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Anglican Parish of Braidwood

Ministry Team and Co-ordinators

Ministry Team and Co-ordinator's

MINISTRY TEAM and CO-ORDINATORS we are very conscious in our parish that we are breaking new ground in relation to ministry. The traditional Anglican expectation was that the clergy did the bulk of the ministry and if they didn't visit, for example, then the church wasn't visiting. Since we no longer have paid clergy and everyone on the ministry team of the parish is a volunteer this is no longer the expectation of our churchgoers. As a result of our changed model of ministry, the Parish is now lay lead and supported by the Diocese for Sacraments. The lay ministry Team are: Helen Small, Marjorie Lemin and Neil White. responsible for assisting with the following: Sunday Worship at St Andrews and at all the Centres, and Publicity.

In addition Ministry Co-ordinators look after such things as:- prayer ministry, market stalls, concerts, Kids Connect 2 Church, social functions, communication, maintenance, pastoral visiting, fund raising and small groups, Verger and Sacristan duties.

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